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Friar Suppliers September 2022

Writer: Hope HHope H

September 2022

“Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done unto me according to Thy word.” (Luke 1:8)

Hello Dear Friar Suppliers,

Have you ever wondered why you were born at this time in history, in this country, with these parents, this or that nationality or race, healthy or unhealthy, educated or uneducated, privileged or underprivileged? Whatever your circumstances are, it’s a mystery that only God knows the answer to. We must conclude that it is all in God’s Divine providence.

In our limited wisdom, we always think that our little world which revolves around each of us, makes us unaware of how limited we are to understand the magnificence of God. Let’s face it; we know very, very little about anything. Our innate ignorance is part and parcel of the result of original sin. You see, in the Garden before Adam and Eve sinned, they had all knowledge and the presence of God with them. They and we lost it all when Adam and Eve sinned. I used to think that it was pretty unfair that we are all punished because of Adam and Eve’s sin. Until, of course, I remembered my own sin. Hmmm.

Ok, where am I going with this? I am trying to bring in this thought, that the Blessed Mother, who was born in a time, in a certain place, with certain parents, of a certain religion, was given the privilege of being born without original sin. God created her pure, sinless, and holy so that she could be the mother of God. Did she know it? I don’t know. St. Thomas Aquinas would have to answer that for us. In any case, she lived a life among people like any other person. Her privilege of being sinless and the mother of God, however, did not come with any special “perks.” Although she was sinless she still had to continually make the choice to obey God and avoid sin. She had to suffer and die, just like the rest of us.

I think that because she was sinless, her life on earth was even more painful than any of us could ever imagine. We are blinded by our concupiscence. Our minds are dull. We get used to our suffering, pain, and hardships, because of our sins. After a while, like our society today, many do not even know the difference between good and evil; evil is good, and good is evil. I am sure the Blessed Mother was given a crystal clear mind and conscience because of her sinlessness. She must have been capable of great wisdom and knowledge. Her crystal clear soul suffered all the more because of her immaculate conception, which is why she was held in such esteem by the twelve Apostles.

Did Mary know what she was getting herself into when she proclaimed her fiat? Probably not. She knew only what was foretold in the scriptures. But because of her immaculate soul, her intimacy with God was so strong and pure that she wanted only to do the will of God. She was willing to take on anything that life would throw at her. Did Mary know that her son Jesus would someday suffer and die? I’m sure she did, because it was all in the scriptures. She knew and understood exactly what she was saying yes to. In fact, do you realize that it was Mary who prompted Jesus to begin to reveal Himself and His mission when she told the waiters at the wedding feast to, “do whatever He tells you,” even though Jesus had just told her, “that His hour had not yet come?” She knew her son like only a mother could.

On September 8th, we celebrate the birthday of Mary, the Mother of God. Have you ever thought to thank Mary for saying “yes?” Mary offers us so much to imitate. She will never lead us the wrong way. She will always lead us to her Son. Mary teaches us how to live a holy life; in accord with the will of God. We just have to say “yes.” Then when suffering comes, we remember what Mary said; “Do whatever He tells you.”

Have you moved? Please make sure you send us your new address. If you no longer want to receive our newsletters, please let us know.

If you would like a Mass said for anyone, it is easily arranged by sending us the name of the person or the intention with a $10.00 check made out to Friar Suppliers, with the word “Mass” on the memo line. Charlie sends them to Fr Jude in Haiti who will say the Mass. The donation helps to support Fr. Jude and his work in Haiti.


Because Charlie was sick last January, he missed the day to reserve the park, and when he tried, the available places were all unavailable. Soooo, we can only hope that next year we will have a picnic. God willing!

Thank you, everyone, for your continued love, prayers, and contributions to Friar Suppliers. Sometimes, we wonder how it is all possible! We are grateful to all of you. We know that God is behind it all, and we give Him thanks and praise.

God bless you all.

All for….JMJ,

Joan & Charlie Moran

Eileen Garbe


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